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So far all the pics ive got from the set of xmen2
not impressive i know but hey its a digital camera and ive had precious little time to actually make it to the set
i will have plenty more pictures shorty
(getting developed)

Under that cop car are mortars
audio boom

garage full (fuckin stacked) with lights
Mortar beside copcar

Mortar that makes the car go about 12 feet off the ground
see that copcar door in the background? the rest is behind that van

Boston copcar - i live in canada
wires that get hooked to mortars

bad shot of mortars
what got us on the set

audio boom and flood lights
these cars have mortars under, inside, behind, infront and beside both cars

same picture
arf arf awwwuuuuuuga

copcar, waterbottle and crew in background

mortar i was standing on while taking pics of copcar, yep its full of boom

and again

and a third
more explosives

the two cop cars ahead go straight up the close one gets yanked to the right when the others explode

sorry the hoods not up but no engine